About Danderyd

Municipality and politics

Danderyd, Djursholm, Enebyberg and Stocksund constitutes the municipality of Danderyd. The municipality has an area of 28 square kilometres where 15 kilometres border to water (Edsviken, Stocksundet and Värtan), with a population of approximately 32 000 inhabitants. The municipality’s green area makes up 20 percent of the surface with many opportunities for recreation. Each of part of the municipality has a centre square, a library and a sports ground/centre.

Political governance in Danderyd

Danderyd municipality is governed by a coalition consisting of Moderata samlingspartiet (M), Liberalerna (L) and Kristdemokraterna (KD). The municipality’s supreme decision-making body is the municipal council. The council has 51 members in total from seven political parties. President of the council is Boris von Uexküll (M).

Distribution of mandates

The council elects the executive committee. The responsibilities of the executive committee include budget as well as leading and coordinating the work in the municipality. Danderyd’s executive committee consists of 15 members.

Chairman of the executive committee is Hanna Bocander (M). Birgitta Lindgren (L) is the vice chairman and Kristin Eriksson (C) is the second vice chairman of the executive committee.

Uppdaterad: 2024-05-23