New in Sweden

New in Sweden - What types of support can you receive?

If you have recently arrived to Sweden and you have a permit of residence (uppehållstillstånd) you will be offered housing via Migrationsverket. Through this you may be offered transitionary housing in Danderyd. If this is the case you will be contacted by someone from the refugee administration, who will help you with everything you need to know about your move to Danderyd.

The refugee administration work closely with Arbetsförmedlingen, other officials from the municipality as well as volunteer based organisations. If you have children you will get help to apply for schools or pre-schools.

The Welcome center in Danderyd 

The Welcome center in Danderyd is in the municipality's office in Mörby centrum on the 5th floor, use elevator 15.

Opening hours are  Tuesdays 14.00-16.30.

At the Welcome center you may speak to a volunteer about living in Danderyd and Sweden. All volunteers have received training and have duty of confidentiality, meaning anything you talk about stays between the participants of the conversation. Languages spoken at the center are among others Arabic, Tigrinja and English.

The right to an interpreter

If you do not speak or understand Swedish you have the right to ask for an interpreter in the language you wish for. This is regardless of your business with the municipality and is free of cost. If you would like an interpreter, please contact your administrator or your contact person.

If you are visually impaired you have the right to get any municipal decision read aloud. If you are hearing impaired or have difficulty speaking you may also ask for an interpreter.

SFI – Swedish for immigrants

The right to study SFI applies regardless of your reason of studies or your type of permit of residence. From the second half year the same year you turn 20 years old you have the right to study SFI during days or evenings. There are several different places for studying, if you are unsure you can contact Kunskapscentrum Nordost in Täby. You apply for SFI through the web form at Kunskapscentrum nordosts website.

Kunskapscentrum nordost

Social orientation

If you are 18 – 64 years old, immigrated to Sweden through family ties or completely new to Sweden and have refugee status, you have the right to take part in a societal orientation in Stockholm. The orientation consists of 72 hours of course material and is available in Swedish with an interpreter or in your own language. You are recommended to apply as soon as possible as the course has several start dates.

If you have refugee status your application goes through Arbetsförmedlingen. If you have migrated to Sweden because of family ties you need to contact the municipality. You can always ask for help at the office of social services. Please call the municipal switchboard at 08 568 910 00 and ask to be patched through to the administration for refugees to receive help.

Uppdaterad: 2024-05-23